you think i'd leave your side baby you know me better than that you think i'd leave you down when you're down on your knees i wouldn't do that i'll tell you you're right when you want ha ah ah ah ah ah and if only you could see into me
oh when you're cold i'll be there hold you tight to me
when you're on the outside baby and you can`t get in i will show you you're so much better than you know when you're lost and you're alone and you cant get back again i will find you darling and i will bring you home
and if you want to cry i am here to dry your eyes and in no time you'll be fine
you think i'd leave your side baby you know me better than that you think id leave you down when you're down on your knees i wouldn't do that i'll tell you you're right when you (want)******* ha ah ah ah ah ah and if only you could see into me
oh when you're cold i'll be there hold you tight to me when you're low i'll be there by your side baby
oh when you're cold i'll be there hold you tight to me oh when you're low i'll be there by your side baby
Saying "I love you" Is not the words I want to hear from you It's not that I want you Not to say, but if you only knew how easy It would be to show me how you feel
More than words Is all you have to do to make it real Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me 'Cause I'd already know
What would you do if my heart was torn in two? More than words to show you feel That your love for me is real What would you say if I took those words away? Then you couldn't make things new Just by saying "I love you"
More than words
Now that I've tried to talk to you And make you understand All you have to do is close your eyes And just reach out your hands And touch me Hold me close, don't ever let me go More than words Is all I ever needed you to show Then you wouldn't have to say that you love me 'Cause I'd already know
What would you do if my heart was torn in two? More than words to show you feel That your love for me is real What would you say if I took those words away? Then you couldn't make things new just by saying "I love you"
More than words More than words ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Let's party dance dance dance Let's take our hands to hands to hands Shut up and smile so you can see how beautiful life is Forget about chance chance chance What for? Enhance hance hance You're naked is really the best
(明日の保証)はどこにも無い そう(誰も Alone)求めてる愛情
(畜生畜生・・・ 今も今も・・・)胸を締め付ける曲が流れるRADIO
(街の歩道)で見つけた この恋も(誰も 予想)は出来なかった音色
どこの誰でもねぇ お前がいる 俺の横にはいつも お前がいる
どんな時も 離れていても 始末の悪い こんな俺にも
人生の寂しさを 俺は知ってる でも挫けねぇ 横にゃお前がいる
I got it goin' on , and I love you so・・・
Oh, and I love you so・・・
台所で立てる音なぜか 俺の心落ち着かせるハテナ
それをBGMに向かうPC 会話途切れお前はふて気味
しみじみ思うよ I love you だけど言いづれえ言葉達のプレビューは
この背中に書いてあるもんで あの世でしてくれ愛のインタビュー
誰の女かを弁えろ 俺が守るから一歩下がって見てろ
Yo,メシはまだか? 風呂が先か? お前にはさらす丸裸
路頭に迷い悩む時も 先が暗くて何も見えねぇ夜も
俺についてこりゃ心配はねぇ 二人でおりゃあ そこは雨のち晴れ
(明日の保証)はどこにも無い そう(誰も Alone)求めてる愛情
(畜生畜生・・・ 今も今も・・・)胸を締め付ける曲が流れるRADIO
(街の歩道)で見つけた この恋も(誰も 予想)は出来なかった音色
どこの誰でもねぇ お前がいる 俺の横にはいつも お前がいる
どんな時も 離れていても 始末の悪い こんな俺にも
人生の寂しさを 俺は知ってる でも挫けねぇ 横にゃお前がいる
I got it goin' on , and I love you so・・・
Oh, and I love you so・・・
(明日の保証)はどこにも無い そう(誰も Alone)求めてる愛情
(畜生畜生・・・ 今も今も・・・)胸を締め付ける曲が流れるRADIO
(街の歩道)で見つけた この恋も(誰も 予想)は出来なかった音色
どこの誰でもねぇ お前がいる 俺の横にはいつも お前がいる
どんな時も 離れていても 始末の悪い こんな俺にも
人生の寂しさを 俺は知ってる でも挫けねぇ 横にゃお前がいる
I got it goin' on , and I love you so・・・
Oh, and I love you so・・・